Places To Visit In A 3-Day Trip To Ankara

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Ankara, the capital city of Turkey never fails to impress visitors and history lovers with numerous exhibitions of architecture and art.


Being a city with a long history and an ongoing architectural dynamic, Ankara offers a great opportunity to feel both the spirit of centuries-old history and the present pulse.


You have then come to the right place if you are planning a visit to Ankara and you seek to fill up your days with many activities.  This article offers a perfect guide to the places to visit during a 3-day trip to Ankara to ensure you maximize your fun in this interesting city.


Day 1: Exploring the City’s Iconic Landmarks

1. Anıtkabir

3 Days Trip To Ankara

Anıtkabir is an extended funeral of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the leader who established modern Turkey, situated in Ankara.


This lovely statue is a marvel of the country and as a whole is given 4 stars on average as rated by visitors.


So, you can take a guided tour to be informed more about Atatürk and his accomplishments as well as the meaning of this impressive structure.


2. Ankara Castle

3 Days Trip To Ankara

Another interesting site which is situated at the summit of a hill on which Ankara city stands is Ankara Castle. The fortress which stands today, was constructed by the Romans in the 2nd century BC and has stood witness to the city’s strife.


You can freely walk through the labyrinthine walls and narrow alleyways, envisioning the fights that occurred there.


3. Kocatepe Mosque

3 Days Trip To Ankara

Kocatepe mosque is a great place and a beautiful product of the architecture of the culture of Ankara. The main dome of the mosque is surrounded by two 88-meter-high minarets. Thus making it a true vision.


Normally, you can spot the slender, elongated crenellations of the mosque from virtually any part of Ankara when the weather is not cloudy or rainy.


4. Museum of Anatolian Civilizations

This museum is one of the greatest museums in Turkey, which contains a collection of the Paleolithic age culture of the Ottoman Empire.


Modern tourists can visit the spacious hall and walk through the multiple gallery collections such as the so-called Lion Gate from the Hittite Empire.

If you are a history loves, you should pay a visit to this museum if you want to know more about the history of Anatolia


 Day 2: Discovering the Cultural Heritage of Ankara

5. Roman Baths

3 Days Trip To Ankara

The Roman Baths are another great feature identified in the archaeological landscape of the region and are quite popular as an example of the Roman era in the city.


The city was an important trading post in the third century CE and the main attraction of the area is the well-preserved ancient baths representing the city’s history on the Silk Road.


interestingly, among the remains that are visible to visitors is a hot bath, a warm bath, a cold bath, a dressing room as well as a pool.


6. Hacı Bayram Mosque

This is one of the most important cultural attractions in Ankara. The architecture of Haci Bayram mosque is truly beautiful and the atmosphere inside is serene.


You can move around and take time to observe the beautiful carvings and the pleasant environment they have created in this beautiful edifice.


7. Erimtan Archaeology and Arts Museum

3 Days Trip To Ankara

This is in Ermenistan 5th Neighborhood of Okmeydanı in Şişli, Istanbul, Turkey. The museum is another important cultural center in Ankara, as it contains archeological findings and artwork of varying genres.


Some of the tourist attractions it holds for visitors are the Byzantine and Ottoman relics and treasures or findings.

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8. The Jewish Neighborhood

The significance of this area is that it is one of the modern representations of historical Ankara. So, it embodies the old city structure in its current state.


Interestingly, all the houses in the neighborhood incorporate many features of architectural and cultural significance of the past, which makes the place interesting.


Day 3: Exploring the City’s Hidden Gems

9. Gordion Ancient City

3 Days Trip To Ankara

Gordion Ancient City is one of the less explored historical sites, which is an advantage due to its proximity to Ankara. This site served as the ancient Phrygian Kingdom capital and included the mythical Midas Mound, a huge burial mound thought to enclose the tomb of the legendary King Midas.


You can walk around the small district and take a closer look at the numerous attractions that tells the story of Gordion Ancient city.


10. Column of Julianus

3 Days Trip To Ankara

The Column of Julianus was a historical site that remained relatively unknown to the outside world and was situated in the central part of Ankara.


Originally built by the ancient Romans, this column celebrates the life of the Roman Emperor Julian. Till this day, this edifice remains one of the few Roman constructors existing in the city of Beirut.


11. Ankara Bazaar

Another interesting market to visit is the Ankara Bazaar. It is a colourful market that gives you a preview of the Turkish flavour.


You can wander through the crowded stands, hone your bargaining skills, and taste typical Turkish street cuisine.


The best way to explore the bazaar is to hire a professional guide who would show you around the area and tell you all the stories connected with the market and its environs.


12. Atakule Tower

3 Days Trip To Ankara

Atakule Tower is a tall shopping mall with a tower that has a viewing platform that gives excellent views of the city of Ankara.


The tower has a height of 125 meters and has a restaurant called Sevilla which rotates 360 degrees in an hour.


Amazingly, there is also a café and a viewing terrace for those who would like to have a meal or just spend time observing the surroundings. These unexplored locations are something special that should be visited by everyone.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the climate like in Ankara?

Ankara has a continental climate with cold winters and hot summers. However, winters are usually snowy, while spring and autumn are the wettest seasons.


2. How do I get around Ankara?

Ankara has a well-connected public transport network system, including buses, the metro, and taxis


Final Thoughts – Places To Visit In A 3-Day Trip To Ankara, Turkey

Ankara is a historic city that has many attractions for travelers, and it has a mixture of modern-style and old-world charm.


It has always been a sight to behold ranging from the tomb of Atatürk known as the Anıtkabir to the Roman Baths.


Also are religious sights such as the Hacı Bayram Mosque to the historical museums such as the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations.


Here is a 3-day itinerary to offer you the best of Ankara with a nature, history, culture, and art list.

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